The audience is welcomed outside of a bar in a small town like any other. Inside, a band plays throughout the night. On the outside and on the inside, the residents perform their duties. More and more. Always more. All around the music is nonstopping and images are projected, creating more and more reading layers. On one side, Franz is harassed by the Doctor. On the other, Franz is observed by the Captain. Inside Franz there’s room for few: a friend and a lover. One doesn’t hear him, the other doesn’t see him. His friend only listens to what gets in his ears through music. His lover sees only what the psychic Yvette enunciates in spanish: Tiene Ojos, Marie! Marie never stops. She wants more and more. Always more. Marie wants to speak other languages. Franz can’t stand his own tongue. The foreign tongue will be capable of generating disorder and cutting through everything that never made sense: the explanations of men for all that does not make sense in any language.
The play premiered in Giessen, Germany, at the Festival Büchner International, in 2013. In 2014, it integrated Festival Mirada at SESC-Santos. In São Paulo, it stayed at SESC Santo Amaro from january through february of 2015. The work has won the Myriam Muniz Award in order to perform its national tour in 2016.
Directing: Paola Lopes
Text: Nicole Oliveira
Performers: Beatriz Id Limongelli, Bruno Caetano, Bruno Moreno, Daniel Mazzarolo, Julio Barga, Maria Emília Faganello and Rodrigo Batista
Band: Beatriz Id Limongelli, Bruno Caetano and Cainã Vidor
Video design: Renato Sircilli
Light design: Luana Gouveia
Sound design: Cainã Vidor
Costumes and props: Julio Barga
Production: Palipalan (Maria Fernanda Coelho and Renan Salveti)
Advisor: Antônio Araújo